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Thread: Archoil Not Snake Oil

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    Senior Member Polaraco's Avatar

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    Archoil Not Snake Oil

    This stuff was suggested to me to take a look at since I am on the MPG campaign. I dickered around with getting some, but read the propaganda they had.

    For the first time, I found something that will cost less than the gains it gives. You need 1/2 and ounce to treat a full tank. one 4Z bottle treats 360 gallons at $25.00.

    I got it yesterday and put some in the 3/4 full tank. Weather was 25*F. Started it up and the truck did it's usual noisy routine. Wait a few minutes and drove on. I drove it a few miles through traffic lights and following dead heads so it took a while to slosh the stuff around the tank. After 5 or 6 miles, the tuner was still off, but the knock in the engine started to disappear sooner than usual. Then I realized it was idling smoother. MMMMM I did my daily WOT to loosen up those 2 sticky injectors, and it didn't break up this time. Really unusual! It does it every time I stomp on it at a start up. I'm keeping an open mind, being the skeptic I am.

    After a few more miles I started to notice a slight drop in the EGT's. Gee they said it would go down. It felt snappier now. I sat at idle out of gear and noted my idle EGT's fell 30*!!! That means I am burrung more efficiently at idle. The odor I usually get from the exhaust was greatly diminished.

    That's my first impression. Obviously it needs more running. . . . I'll be going out this evening again so we'll see how the cold start works out.

    Keep ya posted, but so far, it is extremely promising. You got to read their site. The're nice people and answer questions. I'm busting their buts about a push on the Fords. Hey! What about us? LOL

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    Duramax Admin IGOTADURAMAX's Avatar

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    any more news?
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    Duramax Admin IGOTADURAMAX's Avatar

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