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Oil pressure/trans Temp.

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[QUOTE=Dgomez90;1738]2015 2500HD 6.6. Has never done this till recently.
As I start from 0 - 35 oil pressure garage goes 70-80 and comes back to normal as driving. But goes past 60 as I step on accelerator. Just changed oil and checked to make sure it has enough. Any recommendations?
Trans temperature usually 120. Upon a load it rises some. But at a still goes to 159 but as I drive it goes back down. Truck has 65k miles. Always check the transmission oil and never under. Any suggestions? I have to Leave out of Town with a Load of Races and last thing I need is a Busted truck. Everything is Stock. Added 2 new Control arms to level the truck but I never had an issue till just now on the oil pressure.

Please Help.[/QUOTE]

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